The treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes is one of the most perplexing and challenging conditions. These are often chronic and result from head, face, and neck nerves and the brain. If you have gone through any of the following, you may have neuropathic pain:

  • Persistent toothaches
  • Symptomless facial pain
  • Several therapies that only temporarily or completely relieve pain
  • Multiple doctors for a variety of procedures
  • Pain made worse by routine activity or mild touch; told it is a psychosomatic toothache

Diagnosing the Problem

Depending on the symptoms present, there are several causes for orofacial neuropathies, which makes the diagnostic process variable. Diagnostic techniques may involve tests, examinations, and considerations for the three most prevalent types of neuropathic pain problems.

  • Trigeminal neuralgia is frequently identified by ruling out other serious causes, like tumors, arteriovenous malformations, etc. Trigeminal neuralgia is frequently identified by ruling out other serious medical diseases, like numerous pain illnesses with unknown causes. Trigeminal neuralgia cannot be consistently diagnosed by a single test, so a patient’s signs and symptoms must be correctly interpreted in order to make a diagnosis.
  • Trigeminal neuropathy- Also referred to as “phantom tooth pain,” this condition is characterized by persistent pain in one or more teeth. Without a known cause, the discomfort can also develop after endodontic treatment or after teeth have been pulled. Over time, this pain may expand to larger portions of the face or jaw. But unlike regular toothaches, this pain is difficult to diagnose because there is no known cause for it. When a complete history, clinical examination, and radiographic evaluation are unable to pinpoint the source of the pain, a diagnosis is often established. To lessen the severity of the pain, treatment frequently entails taking medication, getting steroid injections, using topical medications to name a few.
  • Trigeminal Nerve Injury: Nerve damage is typically diagnosed with a good history and performing quantitative sensory testing.